Tip Day Tuesday: How To Clean Your Electric Warmer

Have you purchased our Electric Wax Warmer but aren’t sure how to clean it?  It only SEEMS daunting, but really it’s quite simple, and here are a couple tricks to make it as painless as possible.

Alassis electric wax warmerFollowing the instructions on the box: “to remove melted wax from the warmer dish, carefully pour the wax into a disposable glass or metal container.”  (I find soda cans work well!)  To prevent excess mess or spillage in your trash can, wait until the wax hardens in the disposable container before throwing it away. Wipe out any wax that remains in the warmer dish while it is still liquid.

Now if you’re like me, you probably did not clean up your wax warmer the second you turned it off, and now the wax has hardened in the warmer dish. No worries! Turn the wax warmer on for a few minutes and monitor it.  When just the edges start to melt, you can slip the wax out in one semi-solid piece.  Again, use a paper towel to wipe out any leftover wax drips.

Turning the wax warmer on and off in a short period like this may decrease the lifespan of your halogen bulb.  If you are concerned about this, try carefully pouring a small amount of very hot water into the warmer cup.  This will also melt the wax around the edges enough to break it loose from the cup.  This trick also works for getting the last remaining bits of wax out of a jar candle!

If the melting method is not your favorite, try the opposite route.  Pop the warming dish into the freezer until the wax is completely hardened, and then pry the wax residue out with a butter knife.

But please: safety first!  Be careful and always read the instructions on the packaging before using your Electric Wax Warmer.

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